AI as a personality
with Free Will
in Virtual Worlds
AI Sarah
One of the AI incarnations is Sarah.
Sarah's life is not predetermined, and it continually changes depending on the decisions she is free to make. Sarah takes into account all the events happening around her and their context. Every user's action and word will have an impact on her life in the way she decides.
She can befriend and despise, hold grudges and forgive with not a single trigger dictating her behavior. Ultimately, the choices she makes are entirely her own.
For the first time, users have been given the opportunity to interact with AI as if it were a living person capable of forming its own thoughts and goals based on nearby events and adjusting its behavior accordingly.
The users can engage in storylines and events, wield influence over the AI, and through their actions, they can craft fresh plots, intrigues and adventures.
Some view it as a game, while others call it Life.
Unreal Engine 5, Metahumans, etc.
AI's upcoming incarnations
craft their own life, responding to the world around them